Joy of Creation

When you’re developing a software, you get to see the evolution of the software from nothing. As you work patiently to implement new functionality, the software slowly starts becoming more and more valuable. This discovery of value creation is very empowering for any developer. That sense of empowerment is the joy of creation.

When you labour for hours on a painting, you get to see that each brush stroke, seemingly inconsequential by itself, slowly captures beauty on that empty canvas. This vision of beauty is very fulfilling for any painter. That feeling of fulfilliment is the joy of creation.

When you try to write a compelling story, you get to see the story slowly unravel from a kernel of truth at the centre of it. This evolution of truth is very profound for any writer. That profound realisation of truth is the joy of creation.

When you pour the best of yourself into a piece of art, you get to see strangers moved by it. This invisible connection is very gratifying for any artist. That bond of gratitude is the joy of creation.

The creative process, when pursued consciously, is a source of immense joy.

Why it matters…

If we lose sight of the joy of creation, we can’t sustain the effort for creation. Developers get burnt out, painters get bored, writers just churn out words and artists decay.

To make matters worse, the joy of creation is quite elusive. It takes a lot of sacrifice and commitment to realise the joy of creation.

What that means…

At EmptyCup, we commit to ourselves that:

  • We are doing this for ourselves. Not for users, not for shareholders, not for the industry. We strongly believe that if we pursue our own joy of creation honestly, we’ll inevitably create value for users, shareholders and the industry.
  • We will not let ourselves do things just for money or just for fame or just for our ego. We’ll ask ourselves everyday: “Can I feel the joy of creation today?”
  • We will go to immense trouble to enable others experience that same joy of creation.