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Mkdocs is a static site generator that is mainly used for documentation.

mkdocs "builds" (or generates) HTML documentation from content files written in Markdown. It comes with a built in development server to preview the documentation locally and a feature to deploy a live version to Github Pages.

It can be configured using a single YAML file mkdocs.yml present in the root directory.


Python (as MkDocs is a Python package)

  • To check if python is installed on your system run python --version in the command line.
  • If the output is something like Python 3.10.6 then you have python installed, skip to pip.
  • If the output is something like Command 'python' not found,... then run sudo apt-get install python3 and follow the commands to get python installed in your system.

pip (most common python package manager)

  • To check if you already have pip installed run pip --version in the command line.
  • If the output is something like pip 22.0.2 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip (python 3.10) then you have pip installed, skip to MkDocs installation.
  • If the output is something like Command 'pip' not found,... then first run sudo apt update then run sudo apt install python3-pip, confirm for the pip installation.

TODO: Installing python & pip should be moved into a separate note as it may be referred by multiple sources. DRY.

TODO: Add instructions to setup a virtualenv to maintain a clean environment


  • To install mkdocs run pip install mkdocs, to confirm the installation run mkdocs --version.
  • Then you require to install material (theme of mkdocs used in the project) using pip install mkdocs-material
  • run mkdocs serve in the project directory to start a local development server. If you are able to see the project deployed then installation was successful.


In the project folder there is a docs folder which contains all the markdown files used to build the documentation, by convention docs/ is the homepage. You can add content by editing the files or adding a new file.

Below is step by step workflow for adding & publishing a new note:

  1. Add a note:
    • First check under which directory in docs you need to add the file, you can do so by checking the note's place in the site tree, which is mentioned in the nav: in the mkdocs.yml file.
    • Add and edit in the proper directory and save it.
  2. Preview the note:
    • run mkdocs serve it starts a local development server to see how the site will look published.
    • after every edit just save your edits locally and the page auto-updates itself.
  3. Publish to GitHub Pages:
    • once you are done making edits on the project you can publish the project on github pages, run mkdocs gh-deploy to do so.
    • this will build the docs and commit them to gh-pages branch and push the gh-pages branch to GitHub and documentation should appear at <username><repository>.

mkdocs serve doesn't generate the build folder. It directly serves from the markdown files. The build folder site can be generated by using mkdocs build, if necessary.

mkdocs gh-deploy builds the documentation and adds all the build output files to a separate gh-pages branch and commits and pushes to GitHub triggering a publish.


A quick reference for key settings:

  • site_name is displayed on the top left of the documentation site.
  • theme sets the theme name and theme specific configuration. Learn more.
  • nav defines the structure of the sidebar in the " - Title: ./file/path" format.