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Composing a note

  • Don't try to give a detailed description of a concept or a technology. Just one easy to understand line should be sufficient. Instead, focus on the detailed steps to get started. For example: how to install the package or what command to run or what file to look for etc.
  • Don't explain anything in too much detail. Keep the info concise. Each point must not be more than 3-4 sentences.
  • Add links to external sources for elaborate reading. But summarize the external source in the note.
  • Link to reliable sources as much as possible like other documentation sites, stackoverflow etc. Avoid linking to random articles. Those articles may be taken down or the link may be changed or the content may be changed, which leads to broken / misleading information. In such cases, try to avoid the link by summarizing the necessary info directly in the note.
  • Link to other notes as much as possible. As this repository is built for reference, each note may be read independently. Having a quick link to another note that clarifies a concept or gives background is very helpful.

Formatting a note

  • Separate points at the first level using paragraphs.
  • Separate points at the second level using bullets.
  • Use H2 or ## for side headings. Keep side headings short. Avoid long descriptive sentences as the side headings will be used to create the Table of Contents on the right of the page.
  • Avoid ":" at the end of headings. Use ":" for bullet point descriptions.
  • Use numbered bullets for steps or other ordered lists. Use '-' for unordered lists.
  • No space before a comma. Space always after a comma.
  • All bullets should start with a capital letter. Basics ;-)